Furnishing Information About Furniture

Three Styles Of Triple Bunk Beds

When most people think about bunk beds, they picture a pair of beds in which one bed is positioned above the other. While this style of bunk bed is certainly common, you might be surprised to know that there are other options available to you. Triple bunk beds can be ideal if you have three children who are sharing a bedroom, even if they aren't technically triplets. If you're about to start shopping for a triple bunk bed, you may be pleased to learn that there are many different designs of this piece of bedroom furniture. Here are three styles of triple bunk beds that may appeal to you.


One type of triple bunk bed that you'll likely encounter is one in which all three beds are stacked on top of one another — much in the same manner as a double bunk bed, albeit with a third bed added. You'll often find that the gap between these beds is less than in a double bunk bed, simply because the triple bunk bed can't get too tall. This design can be a lot of fun for children because of the amount of climbing that is necessary to get all the way up to the top bunk.

Two And One

Another triple bunk bed design that you may encounter is a two and one design — one in which one bed isn't fully over the other. This design is available in a number of different styles. For example, the two bottom beds may both sit on the floor in an "L" shape, with the third bed positioned above — covering part of each of the lower beds. This bed has a slightly larger footprint than the stacked design, but one benefit is that it's not as tall of a structure. If you're worried about your kids climbing and roughhousing on a three-level bunk bed, this design is likely a good choice.


If your children are of significantly different ages and they'll be sleeping in the same room, a staggered triple bunk bed with different sizes of mattresses may be ideal. This type of bed has a design in which the top mattress is smaller than the middle one, which is smaller than the bottom one. As such, your youngest child would sleep on the top bunk, with your middle child on the middle bunk, and your oldest child on the lower bunk.